Sunday, 19 July 2015

PHP MySQL: Getting year, month, day, hour, minute and second from DATETIME field

We all need to extract day, month and year from date provided.

For this, we often explode() the provided input and then get the required elements from the array.

There is a strong option to this.

Use substr() to get sub-string.

In Database, DATE and DATETIME fields have specified lengths.

We can use substr() in that case.


    $dt = '2015-07-20 11:23:56';
    echo "<br/> Date: " . $dt;
    echo "<br/> Year: " . substr($dt, 0, 4);
    echo "<br/> Month: " . substr($dt, 5, 2);
    echo "<br/> Day: " . substr($dt, 8, 2);
    echo "<br/> Hour: " . substr($dt, 11, 2);
    echo "<br/> Minute: " . substr($dt, 14, 2);
    echo "<br/> Second: " . substr($dt, 17, 2);

    $dt = '2015-07-20';
    echo "<br/> Date: " . $dt;
    echo "<br/> Year: " . substr($dt, 0, 4);
    echo "<br/> Month: " . substr($dt, 5, 2);
    echo "<br/> Day: " . substr($dt, 8, 2);

Parenting tips to inculcate learning habits in your kid

Parenting tips to inculcate learning habits in your kid Tip #1) Children do not learn things, they emitate. So, try to do things by yours...