Wednesday, 17 March 2021

How to make a text unreadable using CSS?

Imagine you are working on a page where you want to blur a text to make it unreadable for Anonymous users.

Please see the example below in the image:

This is achievable using CSS:

.class-name {

 text-shadow: 7px 7px 7px #0000;

 color: transparent;


That's it. All elements with class class-name will blur to become unreadable.

Drupal 8 Blocks: Visibility Hide/Show for certain Roles.

 In Drupal 8, while showing any block, there are visibility settings where, we can select which pages the block can be visible.

The same form has an underlying functionality to hide the block for the selected list or URLs.

Unfortunately, the same is not the case of Roles.

You can select which roles you want to display the block, but, you cannot select which Roles you want to hide the block.

Following code adds a Negate condition to Roles Visibility:

/* Negate the condition to decide visibility of which user roles to show/hide. */

function YOUR_MODULE_form_block_form_alter(&$form, \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state, $form_id) {

$form['visibility']['user_role']['negate'] = [

'#type' => 'radios',

                '#title' => '',

'#default_value' => 0,

'#options' => [

t('Show for selected Roles'),

t('Hide for selected Roles'),




This adds two radio buttons under the form: Roles.

Following is the screen shot for the same:

Thursday, 4 March 2021

Attention GitHub users: Git will add Token Authentication on August 13, 2021, only Username and Password authentication will not work.

Recently, Github has added strict measures to proivde additional security to its users.

As a major step in this, github is making a Token based authentication mandatory for all Github users from August 13, 2021.

So, mere Username and Password authentication will not work.

Tokens will be generated either for devices or session.

Read in details here

Parenting tips to inculcate learning habits in your kid

Parenting tips to inculcate learning habits in your kid Tip #1) Children do not learn things, they emitate. So, try to do things by yours...